Friday, October 18, 2013

This week's questions

Earlier this week I posted 3 questions we discussed last week. Today I'll post the ones we wrestled with a few days ago.

Didn't evolution put God out of a job? Why believe in religion in an age of Science?

Why is abortion such a big deal? Why can't I make decisions about my own body?

How can I buy into Christianity when there are so many hypocrites? Why are Christians so judgmental when they aren't any better than me?

Parents and Friends, over half of our students claim to have been asked at least ONE of these questions by a friend OR have asked these questions themselves! Take five minutes and ask your student what they learned. Besides our biblical responsibility to "always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks" (1 Peter 3:15) these questions and their answers address foundational truths. If we do not equip our students with the ability to wrestle with these issues and answer these questions we are not doing our job! Too many students move on from their high school years without KNOWING WHY they believe! 

My prayer is that we would each take an opportunity to connect with at least one student concerning these issues.

Anyways, Happy Friday!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Questions Christians Hope No One Asks...

Hey there!

The last few weeks we've been discussing some questions that have come out of a book by Mark Mittelberg "Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask". These questions have stirred significant conversation in out meetings and so I thought I would post them here to encourage further conversation.

1. What makes you so sure that God exists at all - especially when you can't see, hear or touch Him?

2. How could a good God allow so much pain, evil and suffering - or does He simply not care?

3. Why do you condemn homosexuality when it's clear that God made gays and that He loves all people the same?

Like I said we had some great discussions about these topics. It's so incredibly important for us as believers to know why we believe! It's crucial for our own spiritual growth and for the sake of the people who are asking these questions.

1 Peter 3:15-16 and Colossians 4:5-6 make it clear that we are supposed to have an answer.

Come out this week! We're going to look at 3 NEW questions!

See you soon!