Sunday, July 26, 2015

This week

Chicago team-
Tomorrow, Monday at 7pm we will meet in the youth room for our reunion. I'll have snacks (brownies, ice cream and cookies). There will be a longer version of the video from the trip and a short debrief/discussion. 

Wednesday Cole W will be going to Kings Island. Anyone who wants to join him should be there at 10am. Plan to stay until 1 or 2. Bring cash for lunch and your own ticket in. 
***this is not an official event. No chaperones will be there. 
*******contact Cole W if you plan to go. 

Salvation Army Carnival 

Friday at 12:30 we will leave from church to go up to the Kroc Center. We'll help with the carnival like last year and then hang out for pizza and fun after. 

We'll return to church around 8pm or so. 
Questions? Contact Tim Erlandson 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Friday and Saturday

Sorry...yesterday was a very long day. We started with some down time at the 31st street Beach which was a fun relaxing start to the day. 
When we got back to the Family Plex we went full prep mode for Home Court. From about 1:30 to 9 we were either prepping, running or tearing down this event. 
There were basketball games going on, face painting, balloons, yard games, food and a DJ. Over four hours we fed about 300 people with 400 hotdogs, 300 bags of chips, 300 bags of cookies and over 100 gallons of water. 
Students were engaged all over the park. They performed amazingly and kept their energy levels up all day. 
At one point there was a severe storm bearing down on us, we were preparing each station for a quick getaway in case the need arose. I was watching the sky and radars with Bill Curry and Brian, the FamilyPlex sports director. Over the course of five miles the storm, which covered most of Chicago, turned 75 degrees, hooking around us and headed south. We never got more than a few raindrops. It was amazing how quickly the storm changed course. 

By the time everyone had changed and cooled down it was 10pm. We did our final debrief then hung out for a little bit. 

Today we got to sleep in a bit before breakfast and packing up. The teens worked fast and I was doing a final walk through at 10:15. We got on the road at 11:30.

Parents your teens may give you grief and cause trouble at home, but they represented you very well this week. I heard over and over how different our team is from other groups they have around. The team stayed busy, engaged and respectful all week. The staff at Breakthrough said they're looking for to our next time up. 

Praise God for His goodness and love. Remember the families and friends from East Garfield. Pray that God would continue the work at Breakthrough and in our hearts. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 5

What a started out normal. Breakfast and jump in with the classes. At 10am all kids 1-8th grade went to special classes. They chose from classes like, graffiti art (no vandalism involved), art and nature walks, photography, jewelry making, tennis, competition singing, baking and capoeira classes. The students take the same class every Thursday for 4 or 5 weeks. Experts from all over Chicago donate their time so these students can have the opportunity to try new things. Our team divided up and participated in the classes. 

After lunch we began prep for the Block Party. We transformed a boring parking lot into a play place! The party was cut short by rain, but not before we served over 100 people and played a ton of games. 

We had a little bit of time to chill before our evening debrief. 

Our plans for tomorrow have changed. 
There was a mistake in our schedule that lead to free time for the morning. We will head to a beach nearby to relax before Home Court. 

Pray for sunny skies and no rain. Home Court should be done outside so the community feels it's a community event and not just another Breakthrough program. Pray that we would maintain our high energy levels. And that God would touch each life involved. Pray for the team, long days and limited quiet can be stressful for some and others desire to know they are making a difference. Pray that above all, God would be glorified. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day Four

Last night I realized that I have spent more time wearing socks and shoes this week than I have since March. 

Just thought you all would like to have that information. 😁

Today was good. The teens started pretty slow so it took some extra sunshine from me to get things moving, but by go time with the classes they had their happy faces on. 
Some of the teams had pretty normal days with their classes. The 6-8 graders went to a skating rink along with around 150 other kids from urban Chicago. 
Picture 200 kids, 8yrs-8th grade at Skate World. It was crazy and crowded. But fun. 

Three of us (Miranda, Jenny and Sarah) went to the Men's Center to organize games and supplies for tomorrow's Block Party. It will be incredibly helpful to have everything organized! 

Tonight we hung out with a few high school students from the area, playing knock out and some volleyball. 

The rest of the evening was filled with down time which mostly consisted of group games or writing encouraging notes to each other. 

Tomorrow will be a long day since we're working with our classes all day then doing the Block Party. 
Pray for continued protection from sickness and harm. Pray for good weather for the outdoor activities tomorrow and Friday. 

Thanks for praying with us so far, just three more days and this trip is over. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Day four

Day four...most of us are at the place where we are so tired that we're laughing at stupid things and not making much sense. 

We've discovered that the staff, especially the teachers, are heroes. The energy they bring day after day is inspiring. 
One group took a trip out to Lake Michigan with their class. They played in the sand and on a super cool playground. 
The middle school group went on a service project to a nearby church and did some cleaning with their class. 
The youngest class stayed at breakthrough all day, but was certainly busy! 
At dinner tonight we had a special treat...Mexican Coke. It was a fun reminder for the Nicaragua Team and just really tasty for everyone else. 

During our debrief tonight I challenged the team to be aware of their spiritual gifts and think about how to develop them even more. Also we were challenged from Galatians to trust in the Gospel and not add requirements to what Christ has already accomplished. 

Tomorrow we work with our classes again and begin prep for the Block Party Thursday and Home Court Friday. It's hard to believe that we're already halfway through the trip!

Pray for energy (again) and for some of the aches and pains to go away. (Still no real health issues, yay!!)

Monday, July 13, 2015

Day three

Chaotic, fun, rewarding 

These three words sum up day one of working with the Summer Studies students. Our three teams were assigned an age group to tag along with for the week. One group worked with 1-3 grade, another 4&5 grade and the last group with the 6-8 graders. 
The 1-3 grade team got to tour an urban farm. An abandoned building turned into a hydroponic indoor farm, with tilapia and shrimp, down to mushrooms and red Chard. All in a building that had lived out its former use. 
The other groups stayed at the Family Plex, working with students on art projects, science experiments, playing dodge ball and games. 
Many students made cool connections with kids. Several of the kids remember us from two years ago. Some friendships picked up right where they left off. 

We were reminded of the stark differences between our safe little bubbles and what these kids live with. I talked with one middle schooler who has been stopped several times  by police while walking down the sidewalk. 

The message around here is hope. Hope to do better than the previous generation. Hope to graduate. Hope to stay alive. But most importantly, the Hope of Christ. 

We are all tired, but it's the kind of tired that comes from pouring out energy and love to others. 

Pray for deep restful sleep and energy to keep up with the kids. So far, no one is sick or anything.

Day we come 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day 2

We spent our first morning in the Windy City at New Landmark Missionary Baptist Church. The brothers and sisters there welcomed us with huge smiles and open arms. The service started at 10am and ended at 12:30. It was a wonderful experience! It's always great to see how others do church and realize how truly BIG our God is. 

After church we boarded the train near Breakthrough and headed downtown. We ate lunch at Portillo's then headed to Navy Pier. Several of the team rode the Ferris wheel at Navy Pier while the rest bought snacks in the air conditioning. 

We hiked back to the train and headed to our home away from home. 

Two of the small groups prepped breakfast and dinner (for tomorrow) after some free time. We debriefed the day and called it quits just a bit ago. 

Tomorrow we get busy with the work we came to do. Pray that we would be helpful to the team here and a blessing to the kids we work with. 

Thank you for praying so far!

Look for the next update tomorrow. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Day 1

Made it safe and sound. Arrived in Chicago at 5:30 Central time. We had AMAZING Chicago deep dish pizza for dinner. Kids hung out and got settled most of the evening while Jason and I went shopping. 

After much excitement and drama we're back with most of the supplies we need and a deeper understanding of what the West Side looks like after dark. 

Tomorrow will bring new experiences for us all. 
Pray that we would be encouraged as we attend New Landmark Missionary Baptist Church for their Youth Service Sunday. 

And yes it really is 12:30am EST as I post this. 

3 hours...

In three short hours we will begin loading into the bus. As I finish packing and run through my list for the 1 millionth time I am stopping for a moment to pray. 

Here's my prayer for the trip:

Father, I thank you for all that you do in our lives. I thank you for your love and kindness. As we head to Chicago I pray that you would guide and lead us in everything we do. Father I ask that you would place us exactly where you want us to be. Make us sensitive to your Spirit and open our eyes to the hurting world around us. Change us on this trip. Change us into people who love you better and love others better. 
Give us wisdom and courage to have conversations that scare us. Give faith to step out and love others. 
We thank you for what you do and praise you for who you are 


One reminder:

Make sure you pack towels and soap and such....

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Chicago Team

In less than 48 hours we will be on our way to Chicago!

This is the place to find updates about what's going on.

Just a few reminders and clarifications:

Make sure...
1. you pack a sleeping bag and pillow.
2. you have money for snacks on the road.
3. you have money for lunch and dinner Sunday.
4. you have good walking shoes...Sunday will include much walking.

You don't have to...
1. fill out any medical forms, I already have your emergency contact info.
2. go to the Doctor unless you really feel like you need to. 
3. get a rabbis shot...the East Garfield Bears have all been vaccinated.
4. bring a parachute...we aren't flying anywhere.

: )

Be praying that God is glorified through this trip and through our lives!