Friday, July 12, 2019

Last Day

Rafting went well, all had fun, got on the river ( as they say) with 19 and got off the river with 19. Success!  We were able to experience God’s beauty and power as we traveled down the river.

See ya’ll saterday afternoon.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Go Trip Thursday

So post number two!  I’m now doubling the number of posts in my life time.  It has been a great 4 days!  Well for me four and half days, as the teens in my van where all pretty much normal volume on the way out here, maybe two 5 minute bursts of craziness. Tim Townsend ‘s van had maybe 10 minutes of non loud and craziness!

Your teens have done a great job!  Worked hard, spent time in relationship with people (people here like to talk and share), loved on kids, put on the VBS, and they have all been on time even with our 4 days of packed schedules.

At our debriefing tonight there was a lot of sharing. Today we did some physical labor in the morning, then went at a church for the the Shoes of Hope and lastly our final night of VBS at Kimper Baptist.  At shoes for hope there were all kinds of different responsibilities and the team jumped in and served with enthusiasm!  Make sure you ask about this if they don’t immediately share. 3 of our teens and one adult spent their time doing the “feet washing” and sharing the Gospel.

You don’t know the names of the people nor can you see their faces but please spend some time praying that the seeds planted and the lives touched will cause a growth towards God!

In grace,

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Go Trip Tuesday

This old guy finally got all the tech issues taken care of and can post something.
Monday we learned about mountain time so some things where slower to get going on the work projects and VBS went well, tech glitches and all.  The teens (and adults) are a great group that serve well.  Today the work  projects went well, it was hot hot hot.  And some of the teens really nailed it, no literally nailed in siding and trim all day. We are headed to the second day of VBS and I’m looking forward to see how God continues to work though our teens.
Keep them in your prayers, I know you are.
