Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Parent's Meetings...and why you should be there!

Every few months we hold a Parent's Meeting (ok, well actually it's been more than a few months since our last one...but let's not talk about that). We hold these meetings so that YOU, the parents can connect with me, the guy you pay to Pastor your kids. But this is also a great opportunity for YOU, the parents, to connect with other parents.

You may feel your kid is the only one with behavior issues at home...you get good reports from teachers and coaches, but at home.....BLAH! You may feel you are the only one dealing with whatever issues you are dealing with.

Let me promise you something. You are NOT ALONE! Solomon, the wisest guy ever, told us "Nothing is new under the sun". And Paul tells us that all temptations and sins are common to all people...that doesn't mean we all have the same EXACT struggles, but we are all in the same boat.

So you are not alone. Other parents are uniquely equipped to walk through this journey with you. Don't try to walk it alone. 

Parents, I work hard to make sure your students know that I love God. That I love His Word, and that I love them. Because of my relationship with your students, I often have deep conversations with your kids, that you may, or may not have with them. I don't want that to ever be an issue. But the only way that's not an issue is if you trust me. You can't really trust me unless you know me. And you can't really know me unless you interact with me. 

We are all busy, so I'm not suggesting we all go out for coffee once a week...I love coffee, but even I believe you can drink too much coffee. 

BUT, these Parent Meetings offer you the chance to see me and interact with me. Please consider coming out this Thursday evening for 1 hour (7pm-8pm in the youth room) to hear about what God is doing and see where we're headed over the next several months. Also, you'll hear about how to stay connected throughout the weeks and months, before our next Parent's Meeting.

Thank you! I hope to see you Thursday.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

October News

Hi there,

First, I want to say we're off to a GREAT START to the school year! We've had consistently large groups the last 3 weeks! Thanks for your commitment to New Heights Student Ministries!

Second, Here's some important info!

Fun Stuff

Junior High SNAC (fun activity)
Sunday October 5th from 7pm-8:30pm. Laser Tag! $17 per student is the cost. We'll play 3 games for that price! Invite your friends!

Senior High SNAC
Saturday October 18th from 12:30-3pm (following the MVWC workday). Laser Tag! $17 per student. Bring Cash for lunch as well. We'll stop at Wendy's or LaRosa's for lunch then play.

Informative Stuff

Parents meeting (exciting activity)
Thursday October 2nd from 7-8pm. Come out to hear about our plans for the coming school year. Meet some of the youth leaders. Get your chance to yell at Justin for all the things he's messed up recently... :) Just kidding...unless you really have some concerns. And if that's the case I am happy (or very interested) in hearing those concerns.


Parents Online Bible Study
Soon you will be invited to take part in an online Bible Study designed for YOU (parents). It will combine parts of several solid video based Bible studies. The best part, you can access them from your home, office or wherever you have an internet connection. You can access them at any time of day or night. You'll be able to interact with other parents who are working through the same material.

I am working on this resource, not because I think I have the answers or the formula figured out for how to raise teens...(mine aren't teens yet, and you better believe I'm coming to YOU when they are). My goal is to offer fresh perspectives and insights from a wide range of people. Also I'll show you from the students' side of things, a few perspectives on parenting. : )

If you don't like the sound of this resource, feel free to ignore it. But if you are interested, look for more details soon.

Thank you for your support of New Heights Student Ministries!


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Cool Happenings


Here's a few things coming up soon!

Women of the Heights and Men of the Heights Kickoff

This Sunday Morning the Women of the Heights and Men of the Heights are having a kickoff event during the normal Sunday School hours. This is event will give the men and women of the church a chance to see what's planned for the coming year. We will not have a normal Youth Group this Sunday. The junior high will still meet, but all high schoolers are invited to attend their respective kickoff event.

Please encourage your students to come. Both the Men's and Women's Ministries are reworking some of the familiar events and adding so really cool opportunities for this year. It would be awesome to have our high school students begin to plug in and start relationships with more adults through the Men's and Women's Ministries.


We have been presented with an opportunity to attend some retreats this fall. There is a high school retreat and a Men's Retreat coming soon. All High School Guys are invited to attend the Men's retreat. Any Junior High Guy is invited as long as Dad or a guardian is attending.

The Men's Retreat is October 31st and November 1st @ Scioto Hills, we are still finalizing details such as times and pricing.

The High School Retreat will either be November 8-10 or 14-16. The cost is $50 for the entire weekend. We will be heading to a Camp in Butler Springs. We need to know what kind of interest there is in the retreat. If we have lots of interest we will make it happen. If not...

Here's a link to the webpage with lots of helpful info.


Prayer Meetings

Starting Thursday September 11th through Thursday October 9th the church will be holding special prayer meetings. There will be two meeting times; 6:30am-7:00am and 8:30pm-9pm. These will be informal prayer times set aside to pray for the ministry of Washington Heights. We will pray for the health of our church and revival. They will end right on time, there will be no lesson or discussion.

Students are invited and encouraged to join. Please make it a priority to attend. Pastor Kisner will lead the Morning sessions and I (Justin) will lead the Evening Sessions.

Small Groups and Leaders

Please pray for the Youth Leadership Team. We are working on getting our small groups back up and running, but we need more Adult Leaders. Ideally we will have small groups with 5 to 7 students plus two leaders. We currently are unable to follow this ideal set up because we do not have enough leaders. Please pray that people would join us and that maybe you are part of the solution.

We are having a Youth Leader Meeting Sunday September 14th during the first worship service. If you are interested in seeing how you might help please let me know you are interested and plan to attend the meeting if possible.

God is doing some really cool things here at WHBC and especially in our Teens!

