Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Parent's Meetings...and why you should be there!

Every few months we hold a Parent's Meeting (ok, well actually it's been more than a few months since our last one...but let's not talk about that). We hold these meetings so that YOU, the parents can connect with me, the guy you pay to Pastor your kids. But this is also a great opportunity for YOU, the parents, to connect with other parents.

You may feel your kid is the only one with behavior issues at home...you get good reports from teachers and coaches, but at home.....BLAH! You may feel you are the only one dealing with whatever issues you are dealing with.

Let me promise you something. You are NOT ALONE! Solomon, the wisest guy ever, told us "Nothing is new under the sun". And Paul tells us that all temptations and sins are common to all people...that doesn't mean we all have the same EXACT struggles, but we are all in the same boat.

So you are not alone. Other parents are uniquely equipped to walk through this journey with you. Don't try to walk it alone. 

Parents, I work hard to make sure your students know that I love God. That I love His Word, and that I love them. Because of my relationship with your students, I often have deep conversations with your kids, that you may, or may not have with them. I don't want that to ever be an issue. But the only way that's not an issue is if you trust me. You can't really trust me unless you know me. And you can't really know me unless you interact with me. 

We are all busy, so I'm not suggesting we all go out for coffee once a week...I love coffee, but even I believe you can drink too much coffee. 

BUT, these Parent Meetings offer you the chance to see me and interact with me. Please consider coming out this Thursday evening for 1 hour (7pm-8pm in the youth room) to hear about what God is doing and see where we're headed over the next several months. Also, you'll hear about how to stay connected throughout the weeks and months, before our next Parent's Meeting.

Thank you! I hope to see you Thursday.


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