Hey Parents,
So I mentioned in my last post that we were going to be talking about Baptism and that your student would have a chance to respond if they had not yet been baptized...Well, we talked about it today.
I went through the basics of what Baptism is (an ordinance laid out by Christ for the church) and talked about what it symbolizes (Christ's burial and resurrection). Next we talked about how baptism is a beautiful reminder of all that occurred for us when Christ died on the cross and then rose again. We talked about how we die to our old self and are made new. We talked about how we often don't live this way and then looked at how the gospel gives us hope to face the darkness in us and in this world. I explained that when believers obey in baptism God is glorified and the church edified.
To end our time this morning I gave challenges to the 3 "types of students" there today:
1. To those not saved, but who heard the gospel this morning, the challenge was to choose today as the day they accept Christ as Savior and let the Gospel begin to work...followed by baptism.
2. To those saved, but not yet baptized, the challenge was to recognize the command of Christ to be baptized. I reminded them that if they know they ought to do this, but now choose not to then they are quite frankly, sinning.
3. To those already saved and baptized, but not yielding to the gospel in all areas of their lives (that covered the rest of us...including me), the challenge was to begin yielding those areas to Christ.
Parents, I know the decision to baptize or not baptize is a personal one, and that families should make this choice together. I am available to discuss further any concerns you may have. I am in the process of securing a date for a few students who have spoken to me about getting baptized. If you would like your student to be included on this date please let me know as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support and your encouragement.
Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
For His Glory,
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