Monday, July 7, 2014

Day Six

Day Six

In some ways it's hard to believe that it's day 6 already. The time has gone by quickly. But when I think about what's been accomplished I am amazed that it's only been 6 days.

 I've lost track of all of the deep conversations I've had. Some where in groups, others one on one. Some where entirely spiritual. Some where resolving conflict or drama. Some ended in tears as the Holy Spirit melted hearts of stone. Others ended with shoulder shrugs and ambiguity. 

God is working. 

This morning we split the group and attended 2 different church services. One group went to El Camino, which is a Children's Ministry Center. If you saw the pictures of us indoors doing a vbs that's El Camino. This group sang a bunch of songs both in English and Spanish. They prepped a snack for the kids and showed Gods love to them. 5 students shared their testimony  to the entire group through Abby as she translated for them. They had a great time. 

The other group went to Pastor Javier's church. The pictures from our first VBS were at this location as well. We sat in the small concrete block building that is is a state of repair due to the earth quakes from April. Javier just finished repairing the top half of the walls this week. We sat with his young church on flimsy plastic patio furniture and listened as a Gloria Player played hymns in Spanish. It's hard to sing How Great Though Art in English while your neighbor is singing in Spanish. : )

The scripture reading this morning in church was Psalm 34...go look it up. Spend a few minutes looking at the homes and places these people live, then look up Psalm 34. 
This afternoon we spent a few hours hanging out at the Holsingers home. It was relaxing and fun. 

Our debrief tonight warmed my heart. God is using your children to do great things. 

Pray for strength as we enter our final day of ministry. Pray for boldness. Pray the the Holy Spirit would work in His timing to solidify lessons we've all learned this week. 


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